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a journey leading you to campus
connections and beyond...

We empower undergraduate girls majoring in S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics)+ Finance fields to build their network and meaningful, long-lasting relationships with each other.

pov: your university has a support group for women
in STEAM+Finance...

Join us at our in-person university events for networking, bonding, workshops, and panels. Our activities focus on sharing personal struggles, managing academic stress, and receiving advice from experienced peers. Build a supportive network of women with us!

"As a freshman last year, Avenue was instrumental in helping me navigate the complexities of college life. The connections I made with upperclassmen were invaluable - they shared advice on which classes and professors to choose, how to find internships, and even tips on improving my resume. The sense of community and support I found in Avenue made a significant difference, especially when managing my time and exploring startup opportunities that welcome freshmen interns. I'm grateful for the guidance and friendships I’ve built through Avenue, and I’m excited to continue being a part of this empowering community." - Kathy Tran NYU'27